We like to say that every day, something is happening in BTCPay. With one more behind us, just like we did in 2018, (opens new window) we'd like reflect and remember the highlights from 2019.
Only by looking back at our failures and success, can we draw lessons for the future.
Today, we're reflecting at all the good, bad, ugly and crazy moments that happened in the past 365 days in BTCPay Server community.
# January
Telegram Group Launched
We've launched a Telegram group that now, nearly a year later has over 900 active members.
Lightning Joule Integration
Joule added an (opens new window)easy way to connect to a self-hosted BTCPay.
Running BTCPay Raspberry Pi 3 Guide
Step-by-step instructions for running BTCPay on Raspberry Pi 3.
New version released
Introducing invoice search and better way to display LN node info
Better Invoice Accounting
A new way to export invoices in CSV for smoother accounting
Crowdfunding App
In version, we introduced a brand-new app - Crowfunding
LibrePatron - Decentralized Patron
A third-party BTCPay plugin, called LibrePatron, released.
10 000 Twitter Followers
@BTCPayServer account on Twitter, reached 10k followers!
2 years since the stable release
On Jan 17th, we celebrated 2nd b-day of the stable BTCPay version.
The definite Guide to BTCPay Server
CoinCache.net released a 4-part series of articles on BTCPay Server.
New version released
Better invoice pagination, fixed warnings and SMTP configurable on a store-level.
BTCPay Chat Migrated to Mattermost
Our community chat, migrated from Slack, to an open-source alternative - Mattermost.
Tutorial - Integrate Woo into Crowdfund app
Tutorial that enables integration of WooCommerce store and the Crowdfund app.
Woo integrated into BTCPay
Deploy WooCommerce store on top of the existing, self-hosted BTCPay Server.
# February
BTCPay Introductory video crowdfund campaign
3-day live-stream event where we successfully raised money for an introductory video,
People using Crowdfunding app to raise funds
People began using freshly-coded app in the wild, trying to raise funds for different causes.
BTCPay Workshop in Chicago
RockstarDev did a live-stream workshop in Chicago explaining the basics of BTCPay.
London Advancing Bitcoin 2019
Nicolas Dorier held a presentation in London, explaining the architecture of BTCPay Server.
Infographic - Common Merchant's problem
We created an infographic to showcase the common issues Bitcoin merchants face.
New version v1.0.3.55 released
This version introduced a lot of minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
Ride the Lightning integrated
RTL integration in BTCPay enabled easy-to-use UI for LND users. - Payment Requests are here!
In we released a new type of invoices, payment requests that became quite popular.
Interactive Mural by CryptoGraffity in Venezuela
Powered by BTCPay, raising money for daycare in Cúcuta for Venezuela refugee kids.
# March
Tor Support for BTCPay
We've integrated Tor Support for BTCPay as a default.
BTCPay HackDay
RockStarDev and Justin Moon organized a hackaton.
Host Bill App Software integrated BTCPay
All-in-One Hosting Command Center @hostbillappcom added BTCPay integration.
Guide - Running BTCPay on Digital Ocean
CoinCards founder Mike, created a guide on how to deploy BTCPay on a popular VPS provider - DO.
BTCPay Blog launched
We launched a blog so we can share stories, news and guides easily.
Mentioned on Canada Revenue Agency Audit
Canada Revenue Agency, released guidelines for crypto audit which mentions BTCPay.
Tutorial - How to Create Point of Sale
Tutorial explains how to use BTCPay Point Of Sale app in retail.
Article - Debunking BTCPay Server Myths
Article in which we tried to debunk some of the common misconceptions.
btcpayserver.org completely re-designed
Our main site went through an overhaul on March the 15th.
Python Client documentation refactored
Jeff V., the maintainer of the Python client, re-wrote the documentation.
# April
LN BIG Integration
A popular LN liquidity node provider developed an easy way to get inbound capacity from BTCPay nodes.
Jack followed @BTCPayServer
Jack gave our account a follow , which resulted in one of many poems we tweeted in 2019.
How BTCPay works Animated Video
In our efforts to show what happens behind the scenes, we created an animated video.
JooBar using BTCPay as their PoS
A bar based in Korea using btcpay web-point of sale as their main terminal.
Boltathon - Coding Session
RockstarDev and BritKelly participated in first-ever Boltathon conference.
The crowdfunding campaign for the space cat from the community began
Over $30 000 raised for Hodlonaut
Crowdfunding campaign powered by BTCPay app, ended up raising over 30 000$.
BTCPay Intro video
After a successful crowdfunding, "What is BTCPay" animated video saw the light of day.
Article - How to accept Bitcoin Donations
Article explaining how to accept BTC donations privately and securely without middleman appeared on our blog.
# May
New big update
This version introduced a lot of new features (2F support, Bitcoin Full Node connect to mobile via QR code, external storage support)
PSBT Support added
Partially signed bitcoin transactions (PSBT) implemented for BTCPay Wallet.
ColdCard Integration
Version introduced ColdCard integration for completely air-gapped wallet transactions.
This released introduced tons of improvements in the wallet and added the ability to sign with xpriv if needed.
ACINQ - Eclair support
We've added the support for third LN implementation - Eclair.
NPM package for btcpay created
A NodeJS implementation for BTCPay was created.
Hello Bar - The first retail store to accept LN in Japan
By using BTCPay PoS, HelloBar became the first ever brick and mortar store to accept Lightning in Japan.
btcpayserver.org translated in over 15 languages
In less than 24 hours, our official site got translated in over 15 languages. To this day it's available in 24 languages.
# June fixed a major vulnerability
Besides vulnerability fix, this release brought it BISQ integration, added Blockstream explorer
BTCPay and PayPal?
Some community members wanted PayPal integrated, we've put that on a vote, it ended up with a majority of users saying NO, and others freaking out.
# July
BitFlix - Streaming Service
One of our community members created a proof of concept app called Bitflix, Netflix alternative on the Lightning powered by BTCPay.
Crowdfunding campaign in partnership with the Tor Project, where community raised over 18k USD.
Stepan Livera Podcast Series
Stephan Livera interviewed BTCPay Server core contributors in a 4-part series.
BTCPay Server Directory launched
We created a BTCPay directory where merchants, developers and regular users can showcase their projects and shops.
BTCPay Integrated in a video game
A video game called Turbo '84 launched, which uses BTCPay as a back-end for receiving payments.
# August
Brainstorming the 2.0 UI
Early August, we began the initiative of including more UI/UX people on the project.
Version released introduced a vulnerability fix that affected third-party hosts and introduced wallet labels.
Tutorial Develop on Ubuntu
We released a video that explains how to develop BTCPay Server if you're using Ubuntu.
Tutorial BTCPay Docker under the hood
Detailed video series that explains in detail what happens under the hood in BTCPay Docke deployment.
XSS Vulnerability disclosure
On August 16th we published an XSS vulnerability disclosure.
This is lies! Our Second Birthday
August the 17th marked the two year anniversary of BTCPay. Happy Birthday!
# September
Version is out
This release introduced a bunch of interesting features, including PoS app inventory management.
Lightning ATM
Lightning Network ATM, using BTCPay Server as a backend released.
Announcing BTCPay Server Foundation and Square Crypto Grant
One of the biggest 2019 highlights - BTCPay Foundation announced on BH2019 and our first grant from SquareCrypto.
First ever BTCPay Day
In Riga, we held our first BTCPay Day. A full-day event where community gathered. Over 70 members attended the first event in Latvia.
The Tor Project starts accepting donations via BTCPay
After a successful crowdfunding campaign, The Tor Project added donation button and started to accept Bitcoin donations directly.
# October
btcpayserver.org - redesigned again
We've been experimenting quite a lot and on October the 7nd, we polished our main site.
Hack0 - Plug and Play BTCPay node
Hack0, earlier announced in Riga, during the BTCPay Day exhibited at CEATEC, Tokyo.
Casa 2 announced with BTCPay Support
Popular plug and play full Bitcoin and Lightning Node Casa, announced Casa 2 wich arrives with BTCPay support.
Raspberry Pi 4 documentation
On October 9th, we've added documentation for Raspberry Pi 4 deployment.
Hong Kong Free Press
Hong Kong Free Press started using a self-hosted BTCPay Server to accept Bitcoin donations
LNConf Berlin
Large portion of our core team and community headed to Berlin for an amazing conference.
Lightnite Crowdfunding campaign
Satoshi Games launched a crowdfunding campaign powered by BTCPay for their PC game.
BTCPay Workshop
In Berlin, RockstarDev and Kukks held a workshop on how to obsolete Meetup app, by using BTCPay Transmuter.
Pretix - Ticketing System integrates BTCPay
An open-source ticket and event software Pretix starts using BTCPay Server.
New version, introduced recommended fee on the invoice page and tons UI improvements.
# November
Ruby Integration
Our community member wrote an in-depth tutorial on how to integrate Ruby's SDK and BTCPay.
ACINQ - BTCPay Foundation
ACINQ became the second company to support BTCPay Server Foundation with a 10k grant.
This major version introduced front-page re-design, ElectrumX support and Fully Noded integration.
Hack0 - Plug and Play BTCPay node
Hack0, earlier announced in Riga, during the BTCPay Day exhibited at CEATEC, Tokyo.
DG Lab - BTCPay Foundation
DG became our third supported with 30k grant to BTCPay Foundation.
LND Migration tool
A long-awaited migration tool for LND legacy deployments introduced in v1.0.3.138.
LunaNode and Wallet of Satoshi
Two amazing companies, LunaNode and Wallet of Satoshi beacame the supporters of the BTCPay Foundation on November the 19th.
BTCPay Vault released
One of the most-exciting features of 2019, BTCPay Vault, released in the wild.
BTCPay Configurator preview
Early preview of the BTCPay Configuratior, a tool that will enable 1-click deployments in any enviroment.
# December
Russell Okung and BTCPay Cleats
Russell Okung, offensive tackle for the Los Angeles Chargers, announced he'll wear shoes with BTCPay logo.
Boltathon 2 - BTCPay and Lightnng
Brit Kelly and RockstarDev participated on second Boltathon.
BTCPay Community watching Chargers
Our community members gathered together and watched a stream of Chargers vs Eagles.
BTCPay Vault 1.0 released
After lots of testing, BTCPay Vault stable version released.
# Thank you!
Thank you for being here with us in 2019. We appreciate all the love, support and contributions.
Enjoy taking a look at 2019 highlights. Happy holidays, here's to another crazy year! 💚