BTCPay Server v1.0.7.0 - UI polishing, API calls, spring cleaning, and bug fixing

Posted in Releases by Zaxounette on 3/11/2021

It's been a few months since the last major update in BTCPay Server, so here it is!

v1.0.7.0 is available and includes a major UI revamp of the wallet setup process, new API calls, and since March is spring cleaning time, some minor quality of life improvements, and a bucket load of non-critical bug fixes.

For the high-time preference crowd, you can skip all this and go directly to the Changelog (opens new window).

# UI polishing 🎨

Following the store setup update, BTCPay Server now offers a more streamlined and understandable wallet setup process.

Users have long given us feedback on the wallet setup process is confusing at times. We have tried to refine it for clarity, both visually and in the instructions provided.

When setting up your wallet for the first time in a store, you are greeted with the following wizard.

The wallet setup now directs the user depending on what they wish to do:

  • Already have a wallet you want to use with BTCPay Server? Import it, enter the public key, link your hardware wallet, etc.
  • Want a fresh new wallet with your slick BTCPay Server store? Choose between hot wallet or watch-only and follow the setup wizard.

We love our new straight-forward UI and hope you do too! That being said, if you have additional feedback you want to submit to us, feel free to reach out on our community chat (opens new window).

As another surprise, we've also included Specter wallet (opens new window) support with this new wallet setup! Link your Specter wallet to BTCPay Server seamlessly in the new import UI.

# API calling 🛠️

The Greenfield API (opens new window) is receiving more calls in this update. The brand-new on-chain wallet API is now available, furthermore:

  • Developers will now be able to add, remove, view, preview changes in the on-chain wallet payment method.
  • The Lightning payment method also can now be added, removed, and modified via API.

# Spring cleaning 🧹

Quality of life improvements have also been added to the Point of Sale and Crowdfunding app. Previously, the button users clicked on to pay could not be customized.

That is now history. These two apps join the Payment Button in their infinite customization possibilities!

Point of Sale customization
Crowdfund app customization
Crowdfunding Customization

Another improvement is the possibility to now tag an invoice as "Completed" without first having to tag it as "Invalid". This is particularly useful for crowdfunding campaign managers that receive funds outside of the BTCPay Server crowdfund app but still have to update the total received in the app.

The Server Settings policies UI for server administrators has also been dusted out. These settings are now ordered, polished, and hopefully made more clear to users.

Server settings policies
Server settings policies

# Improvements ✨ also includes general improvements in the BTCPay Server software.

The most prominent improvement is re-enabling uppercase BECH32 support in QR code address formatting after a quarterly-long discussion (opens new window) on Github between a majority of known wallet providers.

This support will enable users to pay using the embedded QR codes in the invoices while benefiting from the lowest network fees possible thanks to the BECH32 formatting.

Other minor improvements include removing the "chain" icon for on-chain payments in the invoice list, icon alignment adjustment, and more. Read the full Changelog (opens new window) for details.

# Bug Fixing 🐛

Bug fixes in include fixing a Get crashing call, file storage feature URL handling, Point of Sale custom price-fixing, and so much more.

For example, regarding the now-famous Payment Button.

In some circumstances, embedding a BTCPay Server payment button on a website could result in the payment button not rendering as expected.

This is now also history! Embedding payment, donation, "GIVE ME MONEZ" buttons anywhere and on any website should now be without issues.

That's all for this major update. We worked hard to provide you with a functional new wallet setup interface, improve upon the existing features and fix bugs.

Despite this, if you have issues, feedback, feature requests, feel free to reach out on our community chat (opens new window). We hope you enjoy what this update has to offer.

As always, thank you to our invaluable contributors @britttttk (opens new window) @bumbummen99 (opens new window) @dennisreimann (opens new window) @dstrukt (opens new window) @ketominer (opens new window) @Kukks (opens new window) @Pavlenex (opens new window) @rockstardev (opens new window) @NicolasDorier (opens new window) @ubolator (opens new window) @Zaxounette (opens new window)

The BTCPay Server team 💚

Last Updated: 1/22/2025, 11:36:55 AM

The BTCPay Server Project is proudly supported by these entities through the BTCPay Server Foundation.

If you'd like to support the project, please visit the donation page.